Who wE ARE
Such was the concern amongst people from all walks of life in Derby when they saw the partial demolition of the Hippodrome in March 2008, that they formed a group with the aim of restoring the building. This became the Derby Hippodrome Restoration Trust in 2010, registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee and a Charity. Architects, engineers , theatrical experts, local politicians and academics are represented equally with members of the public of all ages, all united in their love of theatre, of heritage and a desire to see justice and fairness dispensed in regard to this Grade II building.
In recent years we have increased support from students and young professionals who have a passion for regenerating this building and allowing it to fulfil its tremendous potential in the city.
The Derby Hippodrome Restoration Trust's vision for restoration is endorsed by the Theatres Trust, a national body for protecting theatres at risk across the UK.
“I only remember one pantomime, and I remember specifically because it was at Derby Hippodrome. Now I am part of campaign to keep the theatre going because it was my childhood memory”